Friday, May 27, 2011

Post 12:This Week in Science (Daphnia and Introduced Species)

This week in science we did a lot. One thing we did was go on a Bio-Bus. On the Bio-Bus we had a water flea under a dissecting microscope. we did a three trial on how many time it's heart was beating in 10 seconds. Then we did it again but only this time we added alcohol.
This week in science i learned a lot. I learned how four different types of introduced/invasive and species can negatively disrupt an ecosystem. Another thing i learned was about zebra mussels, kudzu, and european starlings. i learned there descriptions, why was it able to take over, what did humans do, how was it harmful, and what now.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Post11:This Week in Science (No Impact Man)

The No Impact Man's year long project was to live in new york city with his wife and daughter without hurting the environment. The no impact man and his family feel that using multiple items such as plublic traportation and other things.
The no impact man's behavior lowers his negative impact on the environment. One example is when he used worms to eat his family's scraps of food instead of producing trash. Americans produce 16,000 pound s of trash every year. Another thing he did was he used a solar panel to write his blog throough his joourney to not hurting the environment. Last but certainly not least no impact man and his family got rid of there fridge and use a flower pot with sand around the edges. when the sand around the edges is wet,it some how keeps food and drinks at a good temperature and keeps food fresh.
When watching this documentary at first i thought this was stupid. But getting into the document mor ei got more intersted. i thoought that what he was doing was very considerate of him to think about the environment.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Post 10: This Week in Science (Fruit Fly DYO Part 1)

This week in science we did and learned a lot. This week David spit the room into three stations. Melissa Alyssa and David at each one. At the first station with Melissa we wrote out our procedure explaining the steps with fruit flies. At the second station with Alyssa we wrote our question using the Independent variable (IV) and Dependent variable (DV) and wrote out background research. At the third station with David we wrote out our hypothesis using "if...then...because".This week in science we learned how to write a DYO in a clear and organized way. Also we learned to organize our data in tables and graphs.